Blog pages / My Adventures

Celebrating Women All Over the World – International Women’s Day

8th March is International Women’s Day. I personally have been celebrating it ever since I was born, believe it or not. And I still come across people who have never heard of it.

If you’d like to learn more about it, take a look at this information put together by United Nation.

International Women’s Day dates back to early 1900s. It is tied with various organisations and women around the world fighting for the rights to vote, to make choices about their bodies, to study and do jobs that they had not been – and are still not – allowed to carry out.

I personally couldn’t be more grateful for the persistence, bravery, and resilience of women through the years thanks to who I can do and be so much more than they were allowed to do and be.

International Women's Day women supporting women

This year I’d like to shine the light on women who:

  • are silently without the limelight paving the way for others to achieve their goals
  • break the rules loudly so that other pay attention
  • accept that not everyone has the same dreams and goals. Not everyone female needs to be a mother; not every female needs to be a CEO
  • are bringing others into the world of inclusion and joy like Kathryn Morgan does
  • smash the stereotypes that a female can only be one ‘thing’ like Dr Merritt Moore does (being a quantum physicist and professional ballet dancer)
  • mention other women’s names in a room when an opportunity strikes
  • shine a light on other women’s achievements
  • silently cheer others on – not everyone needs to be loud and seen

I could go on and on!

However, I also want to shine a light on another aspect of International Women’s Day. And that is all men who support women whenever they can.

Our world cannot be a great place to live in unless we all understand that everyone has the same rights. And to achieve that we need everyone’s support and actions.

Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day

Let’s honour the women who came before us and fought for our rights. And cheer on and support those who continue to pave the way. I thank you and bravely follow your example 🙂

Feature image credit: Logotech

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